Trademark - Bestattungshaus Dresden-Ost

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All businesses that carry the trademark are required, among other things, to respect the dignity of the deceased, to maintain discretion about agreements made with the bereaved, to guarantee price transparency and to observe and respect the funeral rites and customs of all religions, cultures and nations. Other services include comprehensive advice on all funeral matters and the option of pre-arranging a funeral while you are alive, as well as follow-up care for the bereaved.

Relatives and surviving dependents as well as all other interested parties thus recognize a quality company that stands for personal and professional competence by the trademark of the Federal Association of Undertakers.

The aim of the trademark is to increase its level of awareness and to expand and improve the quality requirements associated with it.

This benefits both the member companies and the relatives and surviving dependents affected by a death. Companies that carry the trademark achieve strong networking with other member companies due to the growing level of awareness and thus form a community with common interests and a strong identity.
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